Get Summer-Ready Feet Overnight

Get Summer-Ready Feet Overnight

Caring for your feet should be a priority as our feet take the brunt of our daily activity. Our feet are the foundation of our bodies and therefore should not be overlooked when it comes to care. Just as we care for the skin on our face and hands, we should remember our feet, too. A little love and attention goes a long way in maintaining the thick skin on our feet. When we forego our skincare routine for our feet, we can risk getting calluses, sores, and infections.

Feet Skincare for Summer-Ready Feet

I don’t know about you, but when sandal season hits, I’m ready to put away my closed-toed shoes and let my feet breathe! But year after year, I find myself rushing to get my feet prepped for the upcoming season by soaking my feet in epsom salt, painting my toenails, and brushing the heels of my feet to remove the dry layers. Rather than developing a skincare routine for my footsies, I would do a quick TLC sesh and go about my day. But I have found that the older I get, the less that works for me. Why? Because my feet are aging, too. The skin on my feet, my toenails… it is aging day by day.

The decision to care for my feet daily became a routine that easily fell into place. Adding a few extra minutes to my nightly routine is worth it to have smooth and moisturised feet. Plus, my toenails always look healthy and pedicured since my skin was hydrated.

Summer-Ready Feet Creams that Work Wonders

The Process

Before going bed, use a dry brush to remove dead skin. If you have a few extra minutes, soak your feet in epsom salt to properly clean and sanitize. Once your feet are clean, dried, and brushed, add a foot cream that contains salicylic acid, urea, and/or alpha hydroxy acid. These ingredients work to deodorize, relieve dry/itchy skin, and smooth and nourish the skin on your feet. Once you have applied the cream, put on a pair of socks and sleep well!

The Takeaway

Keep the skin on your feet cared for all year-long and you’ll reap the benefits of summer-ready feet overnight. For more information on feet maintenance, read “Twinkle Toes: Caring for Aging Feet.” And remember: proper foot care is essential for a healthy, active life!