Benefits of Walking in the Morning 

According to research, walking is highly beneficial to a person’s overall health. From weight management, to improving cardiovascular health, to increasing balance and coordination, walking can help you age well when done consistently.  And while walking any time of the day is great, there are some unique benefits to walking in the morning. I started walking about 10 years ago and found that morning walks give me time to reflect and meditate. I can walk quietly and plan my day or week. Walking is definitely a stress-reliever and the benefits of taking time to stroll in the morning are definitely worth it.


What is so great about walking in the morning?

You Get it Out of the Way First Thing 

Who wants to stress all day about the workout you need to do in the evening? Get your walk out of the way in the morning, and the rest of your day’s schedule is completely up to you. The hardest part is having to wake up a little earlier than you normally would, but you get used to this in time. What you get back is the ability to do your workout first thing in the morning, and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day. 

If you are someone who tends to get anxious when you have a lot of things to do during the day, and tend to dread some of them, then this is going to be especially beneficial for you. I enjoy walking and taking mental notes of my to-do lists, checking emails, and even grocery shopping (Yay for Instacart!). It’s a total win-win! 


It Boosts Your Energy for the Entire Day 

Another reason to walk in the morning is to get a boost of natural energy in the morning, that can even prevent you from needing caffeine. It can seem counterintuitive, since you are getting energy by exerting energy, but trust me, it works!  

Once you get moving and finish your walk, then take a shower and get ready for the day, suddenly you have so much energy. You tend to get more done, are much more productive, and just feel better. Between the boost in energy and better mood, you feel like you can accomplish so much more! 


You Lose Weight 

The body burns fat during low-intensity workouts, aka walking. Basically, the body needs carbohydrates for energy when performing workouts such as HIIT or running. When walking, the body uses stored fat to produce energy, along with stored carbohydrates. Essentially, the body is burning fat (the stuff you want to lose). Now don’t get me wrong, strength training is still very important and necessary for any work regimen. But if your goal is to lose weight, don’t skip walking! 


You Burn More Calories 

When you get your exercise done in the morning, it raises your metabolism levels. This helps the body to continue burning fat and calories throughout the day. This is great because you don’t have to spend hours in the gym if you want to lose a little weight. Just get your walking and other exercise routines done in the morning, and you are going to get this unique benefit. If you’re in maintenance mode with your weight, be sure and check out my recipe section for some yummy smoothies to keep your caloric intake in check! 


It Helps to Improve Your Mood 

I understand that being stuck in a routine can leave you feeling a little grumpy. You wake up early to do the same mundane tasks. But there is hope! You can become a more happy and cheerful person just by walking in the morning. Not only does it give you an energy boost, but it helps you to feel better as well. Don’t skip exercise on mornings where you are angry or frustrated. Try to  walk a few minutes each day, then a little longer on days when your energy levels are higher. It is the best thing you can do for yourself when you aren’t feeling your best. And while you walk, think about things that make you happy: your spouse, children, pets, sunshine. And you’ll see why walking in the morning works wonders for your mind and body! 


A Call to Action 

Walking really is an incredible form of exercise. When I first started walking, it was for the goal of losing a few pounds. But now, I look forward to my walks so I can think and focus without the distraction of a television, phone, computer, or household chores. I enjoyed walking at the gym but eventually decided a treadmill would really do me some good and save on gym memberships and gas. I bought a NordicTrack T Series and have had no issues in 8+ years! Make time to start your day off with a walk and you’ll be benefit so much more than you thought possible. Walking is really an investment in your health.  


For more information improving your mood, check out my “Attitude of Youth” article.