John Maxwell said it perfectly that, “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” What a true statement, yet so overlooked. Life is tough, no doubt about that! But having a bad attitude to go along with the tough times is even worse. 

Aging takes a toll on the body and mind. One day you’re doing a cartwheel in the school parking lot and the next day you pull a neck muscle reaching for pan in the cabinet. You’re reminded often of aches and pains. Your ears ring with negativity thrown at them daily. You’re the central hub of the family so you’re often the go-to listener of bad days, gossip, and seemingly impossible odds to overcome. And life gets to a point where things don’t seem to excite you like they once did before.   

It’s easy to get in a rut of having a bad attitude. Every little thing becomes bothersome, overwhelming, and just plain miserable. But it’s harder to get out of that rut once it’s become a trench. Don’t let that become your attitude as you age. Strive to have an attitude of youth. An attitude of excitement and happiness. When you have a positive attitude, it has a ripple effect on others. The world needs your smiling face and positive vibes.  


Shift your mindset from negative to positive.  

  • Be satisfied with where you are in life. Circumstances do not constitute the outcome. But a positive attitude will make it much easier to get through! 
  • Adjust your thoughts to see the good. Not all situations will be good, but find that glimmer of light and hold on to it. 
  • Prepare your mind to speak kind and happy words. Whether you’re saying them to yourself or others, someone is always listening. 
  • Be enthusiastic. Smile at others when they walk by, speak a kind word to a stranger, hold the door for someone. Be the person that stands out in someone else’s mind that day.  
  • Find something that brings you true joy each day and do it. It could be reading a book, enjoying your morning cup of coffee on the front porch, or a 5-minute conversation with the neighbor. Those joyous moments are the moments that set the tone for everything else. 
  • Fake it till you make.  


Life will not always be easy, and a bad attitude will surface. Knowing how to prepare your mind and stay positive will help you live purposefully for the years ahead. 

For more ways to foster an attitude of youth, check out “Benefits of Walking in the Morning” and “How to Have a Healthy Balance.