The term “sugar face” is used to describe a person’s face who eats a diet high in sugar. In other words, too much sugar consumption ages you.

How does sugar negatively impact my skin?

A process called glycation is described when sugar attaches itself to a protein in the body and produces harmful molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGP). This process reduces the effectiveness of elastin and collagen.

Collagen is a protein in the skin that gives a plump, youthful appearance. Collagen bulks the skin out providing an elastin look.  When you smile and stop smiling, the skin goes back to its natural, plump self. However, if you consistently consume a high sugar diet, collagen and elastin will break down. Eventually, that smile line can become a wrinkle.

Sugar also makes it harder for skin cells to repair normal damage. Sugar breaks down the quality of collagen, allowing the skin to become more prone to damage. According to the late Dr. Fredric Brandt, giving up sugar can make you look ten years younger.

What causes sugar cravings?

Our health is also on the line when it comes to sugar consumption. Research proves that sugar can cause cavities, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, digestive issues, along with many other health ailments. But curbing, reducing, or quitting sugar isn’t all that easy since sugar is as addictive as some drugs.

Depending on your current diet will depend on your cravings. For example, if you are craving fruit, your body may be trying to tell you that you’re lacking a certain vitamin or mineral. More than likely, you are needing healthy fats and protein. If you are craving dark chocolate, your body is needing magnesium. Try eating a handful of cashews or almonds, a piece of dark chocolate, fatty fish, or avocados to increase your magnesium. Another reason for craving sweets is that your blood sugar is fluctuating. Your body needs energy to thrive and if your blood sugar drops, you become tired and lethargic. If your blood sugar spikes, you may experience high energy bursts that will eventually tank. Maintaining a balanced diet throughout the day can keep your blood sugar in check.

How do I reduce my sugar intake and curb cravings?

You can either reduce the amount of sugar you consume or quit all together. Quitting sugar is no easy feat! Studies have shown that sugar is just as addictive as drugs and alcohol. But it’s really based on your personality as to how much you want to give up. Some people must quit cold turkey while other wean themselves off slowly. It all comes down to personal choice.

However, it is important to remember that sugar is found in many processed, packaged foods. And when you eat foods with sugar, it sends a signal to your brain that whatever you just ate tastes good and made you feel good. So, you end up craving sugar. To reduce your sugar intake, pay attention to your main food choices. Read labels and if it has added sugar and ingredients that you cannot pronounce, don’t bother eating it! From there, it’ll be easier to say no to deserts, pastries, and sugary beverages.

Be sure to focus on reading nutrition labels so that you are aware of what you’re putting in your body. Aim to drink water throughout the day, but especially when a craving hits. If you drink 8 ounces of water when you are craving sugar, you may just be needing hydration. Maintain a healthy balance of foods. Often eating one type of food (sugar, fruits, carbs, etc.) will cause you to crave sugar because you’re lacking other vital nutrients.

Celebrity ways of reducing sugar cravings

Another favorite trick among celebrities is apple cider vinegar. Multiple research studies have shown definitive proof that one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach can curb sugar cravings. But how? The acid in the vinegar regulates insulin and blood sugar levels. In addition, consuming apple cider vinegar helps your body absorb more nutrients by adding in good bacteria in the stomach. When we consume bad or nutritious lacking foods, our bodies lose bacteria resulting in irregular bowel movements and less absorption from nutrient-dense foods. The healthy prebiotics in apple cider vinegar feed good gut bacteria, breaking down foods, and allowing for overall better mineral and vitamin absorption.

When the body is properly maintained with adequate vitamins and minerals, we do not crave sugary snacks. Our bodies are content and drawn to healthier options. Add in a swig of apple cider vinegar daily for a few months to see if you notice a change in your sugar cravings!

Example of a healthy balanced meal

  • Morning:2 tbsp apple cider vinegar; banana and protein drink (8 oz coconut water and 1 scoop protein powder)
  • Mid-Morning: (choose 1) apple, handful of almonds, 2 dates
  • Lunch: Turkey tacos, ¼ cup black beans, ½ avocado, light shredded cheese, salsa, and low-carb tortilla
  • Afternoon Snack: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup carrot sticks, rice cake with PB Fit Powder and ¼ banana
  • Dinner: Italian Wedding Soup and slice of Italian bread, 2 pieces of organic dark chocolate

The Takeaway

Your skin is like any other organ in your body. It thrives on healthy food options. The better you eat, the better you feel, the better you look.