Dry Brushing Benefits for the Skin and Body – Exfoliate and Smooth

Body brushing (or dry brushing) is a technique used to exfoliate the skin by brushing in a sweeping motion all over the body.

What is dry brushing? Body brushing (or dry brushing) is a technique used to exfoliate the skin by brushing in a sweeping motion all over the body. The dry bristles on the brush remove dead skin cells, unclogging pores making the skin smoother and softer. Body brushing increases circulation in the blood, promotes lymphatic drainage […]

Twinkle Toes: Caring for Aging Feet

How to take care for Aging Feet

As we age, our feet age, too. Just as other parts of our body lose elasticity, the tissues in our feet begin to become less dense. The arch in the foot can begin to sag, causing the width of the foot to increase. Proper foot care is essential for a healthy, active life! Your feet […]

Skincare Tips For Your Lovely Hands

Skincare Tips For Your Lovely Hands

As we age, the skin on our hands loses fat and elasticity, resulting in pellucid skin that is more susceptible to wrinkles and age spots. In addition to aging, our hands are exposed to many harsh elements every day! The sun, chemicals, bacteria, you name it… hands have seen it all! Thinning and translucent skin […]